Friday 12 September 2014

Post 6: Bye-Bye, Week

What a week!

I had had every intention of doing two posts this week like usual, and just couldn't find the time.  Or energy.  Or a combination of both.  But it has been a great week!

We went camping over the weekend which was a blast.  On Tuesday I had an interview with a tutoring agency and was hired.  Wednesday I began subbing.

I cannot begin to describe how wonderful it was to be back in a classroom!  I had missed teaching and interacting with students.  And I had some pretty crazy students too--which always makes things more fun and interesting :)  Husband was out of town on Wednesday, and so I went for dinner with my mom-in-law and then joined her to play some volleyball that night.  I haven't played volleyball really since high school (coaching doesn't count since I didn't actually play), and I wasn't very good in high school.  But it was so much fun to get out!

On Wednesday night I may have broken the rules a little bit.  Our cat hasn't been allowed to sleep in our room because we have a new bed and we were a little concerned about what he would do to the box spring.  So naturally, me being the rule-follower that I am, I let him sleep with me all Wednesday night.  He seemed to rather enjoy stealing my man's spot :)

On Thursday I actually got to sub for the whole day, so I was teaching four different class--ESL, two Englishes, and a History.  Minus the nervous part of the day where I had to go into the staff room at lunch and try to talk to other people I don't know (scarier than teaching, I kid you not), it was just a really fun day.  I found out that my high heels intimidate students everywhere, not just in BC.  And apparently intimidation is what I do!

Today was another half day, but as I was sitting at the dining room table before leaving my phone notified me that I had an email.  So I checked and one of the elementary school I had contacted in August was emailing me about setting up an interview next week for supply teaching at their school!  So I'm pretty excited about that!

I returned home from an exciting morning of teaching only to collapse on the couch and sleep for about 3.5 hours.

I sometimes don't realize how stressed I allow myself to get over things.  But between the interview, working in a new environment, and meeting new people, and all of this following a weekend of being outdoors and active, I was thoroughly exhausted when I got home.  I should have clued in to this when I fell asleep last night while my husband was putting together drawers for under our bed (huzzah!).

So I'm afraid that I don't have anything deeper to add to this post, just an update on the week and a way of keeping myself accountable to writing!

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