Monday 15 September 2014

Post 7: The Grade 5 Gym Class

Hello, couch.  I must confess, you do feel wonderful today :)

Today has been one productive day.  After an early start I got to head to work with my husband to help him and my in-laws with an open house for work.  I got to make sandwiches (hello, seven years of deli experience), make coffee, chat with people, and just fulfill little roles.  It was a lot of fun.  At lunch time I had to leave for an interview at an elementary school.

Well, it wasn't really much of an interview.  I had been interviewed by this principal in May for a full-time position at the school, so we had already talked and he had even called one of my references.  This was more of an "Congrats, we want you as a supply teacher!  Let me show you around the school!  Hey, want to work the last 45 minutes of the day and come in tomorrow for an hour and a half?"

That's right!  I went for an interview and ended up working!  I got to teach PE to a hilarious class of grade 5 students who had so much energy I couldn't help but laugh and feel both invigorated and exhausted by being with them.

They knew they were having a supply teacher, so one of the girls snuck out of the changeroom to get a look at me.  After gaining assurance I would be their teacher, she ran back into the changeroom calling out, "She is gorgeous!  Absolutely gorgeous!"

Kids can be so good for a person's self-esteem :)

I left the school booked to sub tomorrow for an hour and a half.  I then checked my phone.  Do you remember a few weeks ago when I talked about a school that seemed really interested in me?  Well I never heard back from them so I had kind of given up.  Apparently I shouldn't have done that.  They emailed me not to interview me, but to see if I was available next week to sub.

And so after facing highway traffic, running some errands, and dropping hubby off at class I now find myself at home.  I did some laundry (we were both a little too tired yesterday to do it), and now I am sitting, my cat at my side.  He is not so big a fan of my being gone during the days.  I think he was rather fond of our days being spent with him following me from room to room and cuddling with me as we watched tv or worked on the computer.

I feel good.  I have still been struggling with not feeling like I'm busy enough or productive enough, and by the end of today I felt really proud of what had been accomplished.  And so blessed.  I talked with another teacher today and he told me that he has friends who graduated from Teacher's College a few years ago and are still having trouble getting on supply lists.  God has blessed me so much.  Considering I have moved across the country, I have managed to find work.  I have family and friends afar and near that are so supportive.  And in those moments of rest I have a cat to cuddle with and a husband who constantly encourages me.

And so as I sit here and relax for a few minutes before I head out to pick hubby up, I will rest in the knowledge that I am blessed.  So blessed.

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